12 Rose Bouquet


Treat your sweetheart to a stunning bouquet! Our handcrafted rose bouquets, also known as Ramo Buchones, feature exquisite Ecuadorian roses. Select from 12 roses in the color of your choice. The Buchón style boasts a perfectly round bouquet, packed with roses, 3 golden butterflies ,all wrapped up in fancy paper.

Does not include add ons ( crowns, pins, flowers extra )

Rose color:
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Treat your sweetheart to a stunning bouquet! Our handcrafted rose bouquets, also known as Ramo Buchones, feature exquisite Ecuadorian roses. Select from 12 roses in the color of your choice. The Buchón style boasts a perfectly round bouquet, packed with roses, 3 golden butterflies ,all wrapped up in fancy paper.

Does not include add ons ( crowns, pins, flowers extra )

Diamond Pins
Diamond Pins
from $5.00
Custom Ribbon Sash
Small Crown
Xs Crown

Treat your sweetheart to a stunning bouquet! Our handcrafted rose bouquets, also known as Ramo Buchones, feature exquisite Ecuadorian roses. Select from 12 roses in the color of your choice. The Buchón style boasts a perfectly round bouquet, packed with roses, 3 golden butterflies ,all wrapped up in fancy paper.

Does not include add ons ( crowns, pins, flowers extra )