36 Rose Cow Bouquet DELUXE
Bouquet adored by all our cow enthusiasts! Delight in the combination of white and black roses reminiscent of a cow print, featuring our finest Roses, elegantly packaged in our lovely black paper ensemble. Brilliant for those who cherish the beauty of flowers and the charm of cows alike.
Bouquet includes
Cow stuffed animal
Custom ribbon
Bouquet adored by all our cow enthusiasts! Delight in the combination of white and black roses reminiscent of a cow print, featuring our finest Roses, elegantly packaged in our lovely black paper ensemble. Brilliant for those who cherish the beauty of flowers and the charm of cows alike.
Bouquet includes
Cow stuffed animal
Custom ribbon
Bouquet adored by all our cow enthusiasts! Delight in the combination of white and black roses reminiscent of a cow print, featuring our finest Roses, elegantly packaged in our lovely black paper ensemble. Brilliant for those who cherish the beauty of flowers and the charm of cows alike.
Bouquet includes
Cow stuffed animal
Custom ribbon